PCK for introductory mechanics pre-service teachers in a conceptual lab

Brigitte Wolny, Martin Hopf

Pre-service physics teachers are to learn not only physics and pedagogy, but also develop a variety of skills and aspects of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). They retain their own beliefs about their students’ preconceptions, representations of subject matter and perception of teaching. Van Dijk presented a research model to study science teachers’ PCK (Van Dijk & Kattmann, 2007). Within the Educational Reconstruction for Teacher Education (ERTE) framework, teachers’ knowledge is related to developing learning activities for students which includes the design of teaching-learning sequences, the study of students’ prescientific conceptions, and subject matter analysis.

The present design based research project focuses on pre-service teachers’ PCK development and takes their conceptual understanding in mechanics into account. This project keeps track of pre-service teachers’ conceptions (written protocols, FCI) and explores pre-service teachers’ gain on PCK (interviews) after an eight hour teaching-learning sequence in introductory mechanics.

At the University of Vienna pre-service physics teachers attend a conceptual lab (Physics School Experiments Laboratory, PSE-lab) in the 4th semester of their Bachelor studies. During this PSE-lab, they engage themselves with a non-traditional teaching-learning sequence in introductory mechanics (Hopf et al., 2010). This alternative content structure includes the key idea of starting with two-dimensional dynamics motion.

The main goals are that pre-service teachers learn about the content structure of this teaching-learning sequence as well as knowing how to implement experiments to enhance their students’ learning. Our hypothesis is that, while strictly following the new content structure for introductory mechanics, pre-service teachers will develop a deeper understanding of Newton’s laws as well as gain a better perception of how to implement such a structure into their own teaching.

To measure the development of PCK, interviews were conducted before and after the teaching-learning sequence in the PSE-lab. Data analysis is conducted via qualitative content analysis. The first study of pre-service teachers’ developing knowledge was conducted in 2014, followed by a redesign of the teaching-learning sequence and a second study in 2015. Depending on pre-service teachers’ prior teaching-experiences and commitment during the PSE-lab, they describe learning settings in a more professional way after the lab, using terminology, physics concepts and correct descriptions in the interview. Knowledge about implementing and arranging learning-settings is broadened, whereas the conceptual understanding is only slightly enhanced.

Despite an arguably short intervention we have seen significant evidence in pre-service teachers’ PCK development.


Plattform für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften (AECCs), Experimentelle Grundausbildung und Hochschuldidaktik
Anzahl der Seiten
ÖFOS 2012
503013 Fachdidaktik Naturwissenschaften
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